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Each museum has its own “Mona Lisa”! We single out for you ten masterpieces of the Gallery of Matica Srpska that you should not miss while visiting the Permanent Exhibition.

Свети Сава са Србима светитељима Дома Немањина

The graphic print Saint Sava with Serb Saints of the House of Nemanja is the oldest work of Serbian Art in this medium, and at the same time a greeting card addressed to Empress Maria Theresa.

Аутопортрет Стевана Алексића

The Self-portrait of Stevan Aleksić, an artist who introduced the ideas of symbolism into Serbian painting, brings a re-examination of selfhood and human existence.

Морнар на молу

The painting Sailor on the Pier represents an enigmatic figure of a boatman, “cubistly carved” by Sava Choumanovitch, painted during his stay in Paris.


With his painting Genius, Ivan Tabaković criticizes the state of society he perceived as a chronicler of his time, in a quite lucid and grotesque way.

Свети Димитрије

The icon of Saint Demetrius was found in the bell tower of the Almaška church in Novi Sad and, it is one of the most interesting depictions of this Saint on a fiery horse.

Мајска скупштина

The historical composition of the May Assembly is an exceptional visual document of the most important event in the history of Serbian people on the territory of Vojvodina in the 19th century.

Надурена девојчица Урош Предић

In the painting Sulking Girl, Uroš Predić perfectly captured the personality and spirit of a child. This little Gallery’s “Mona Lisa” does not leave any visitor unmoved.

Историјска композиција Мајска скупштина представља изузетан визуелни документ најважнијег догађаја у историји Срба на територији Војводине у 19. веку.

The Wounded Montenegrin is one of Paja Jovanović’s student works, which made him universally famous as a painter of “imaginary Balkans”.

Аутопортрет Стефана Тенецког

Stefan Tenecki’s Self-portrait is one of the first self-portraits in Serbian Art, in which the painter expressed a high level of self-awareness and emphasized his social position.

Анка Топаловић рођ. Ненадовић

Portrait of Anka Topalović née Nenadović stands out as the earliest female portrait painted by a woman – the first Serbian academic painter, Katarina Ivanović.

Пејзаж Дурмитор изведен слободним, брзим и спонтаним потезима, уводи нас у свет симболичког планинског предела како га види Петар Лубарда.

The landscape Durmitor, performed with free, fast and spontaneous brushstrokes, introduces us to the world of the symbolic mountain scenery as seen by Petar Lubarda.