Pleasure: Rituals аnd Habits
Is there anything more important in the gastronomic history of European culture than wine? From the Iliad and the Odyssey to the Bible, wine is omnipresent in poetry, painting, music and film. Whether in the feasts of Bacchus, the god of vegetation, fertility and pleasure, or in the Christian remembrance of the sacrifice of Christ, wine has been an indispensable symbol of mythological and religious narratives. In fine arts, wine is often present in depictions of the grape harvest, where the sweet scents of fermentation evoke sensuality, pleasure and seduction, but also as a detail in tavern scenes, where its consumption is reminiscent of vice and alcoholism.
The history of leisure is a story about the human need to partake in joy with others, but also about the evolution and emancipation of society. Although people have always had a tendency to come together, the ways in which they spent their free time in rest and enjoyment varied depending on the customs of their social surroundings, gender roles, and social hierarchy. In Serbian art, these patterns of behavior are recognizable in numerous genre compositions. Celebrations of important Christian holidays, family and individual celebrations, weddings and birthdays are the oldest forms of leisure activities
Changes in dress and the development of fashion in Serbian society can be observed in numerous portraits from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The depicted garments, poses, make-up, jewelry and other accessories speak of the social status of the individuals portrayed, but also of their aspirations and desires. While some proudly display their urban attire, others combine the European style of dress with the fez as a national symbol. People kept up with Viennese and Parisian fashion.

Georgije Đura Jakšić
Mileva Protić Kocić, 1866–1869

Novak Radonić
Bacchus, 1858

Pavle Paja Jovanović
Rooster Fight, ca. 1900

Jovan Bijelić
Ruža Sokić née Kuzmanović, 1931

Women’s Shoes
Switzerland, Schönenwerd, ca. 1920

Sava Šumanović
Concert in the Field, 1925

Ivan Tabaković
The Match, 1927