Youth for Youth Guided tours

If you want to discover how your peers experience the art, as well as works of art from the GMS collection showcased in the Permanent exhibition and at the Temporary Exhibits, join the Youth for Youth guided tours. Bring your friends and family, find inspiration in stories and interpretations of works of art and express your opinion and experience. 

In the Exhibition and Events section of the website, you can find information on current (scheduled) guided tours.

Уколико желиш да откријеш како твоји вршњаци доживљавају уметност и уметничка дела из колекције ГМС изложена у Сталној поставци и на повременим изложбама, прикључи се вођењима Млади за младе.

For all your questions contact the GMS museum educators via email at: or via telephone: +381 21 4899 017.

Creative workshop within Novi Sad Childrens Summer
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Creative workshop within Novi Sad Childrens Summer
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Creative workshop within Novi Sad Childrens Summer
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Creative workshop within Novi Sad Childrens Summer
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Радионице за средњошколце и студенте

Workshops for high school and college students

In an effort to make the space accessible and attractive to young people and enable them to connect with works of art and the Gallery itself, we develop and organize various programs for school groups and students.

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Галерија као учионица

Gallery as a Classroom

Come, get to know and explore the Gallery of Matica Srpska. Allow your students to think creatively about the material you are lecturing, but in the unique space of the Gallery, in front of the original works of art.

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